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Yuen Lan Dannii楊婉蘭 Professor / Associate Provost (SL) Office CYC 6222 Tel. no. 3442-8119 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8119 Prof. LAM, Ka Keung Ilex林家強 Professor Office LI 5652 Tel. no. 3442-4277 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-4277 Prof. WONG, Sing Wing Dennis黃成榮 Professor / Discipline Leader Office LI 5650 Tel. no. 3442-8831 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8831 Prof. AKARTUNA Eray Arda Assistant Professor Office LI 5642 Tel. no. 3442-8765 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8765 Ms. CHAN, Ka Lai Eudora陳嘉勵 Teaching Consultant Office LI 5601 Tel. no. 3442-9223 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-9223 Prof. CHAN, Siu Ming 陳紹銘 Assistant Professor Office LI 5631 Tel. no. 3442-7994 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-7994 Mr. CHAN, Wai Man Raymond陳偉文 Instructor I Office LI 5602 Tel. no. 3442-4744 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-4744 Dr. CHAN, Yue Kuen Estella 陳裕娟 Instructor I Office LI 5622 Tel. no. 3442-8967 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8967 Ms. CHAU, Wai Ping Phyllis周惠萍 Teaching Consultant Office LI 5621 Tel. no. 3442-4202 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-4202 Prof. CHEN, Hui Fang陳慧芳 Associate Professor Office LI 5635 Tel. no. 3442-2972 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-2972 Prof. CHEUNG, Chau Kiu Jacky張宙橋 Associate Professor Office LI 5667 Tel. no. 3442-8144 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8144 Prof. FUNG, Lai Chu Annis 馮麗姝 Associate Professor Office LI 5663 Tel. no. 3442-2923 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-2923 Prof. FUNG, Sai Fu Simon馮世富 Assistant Professor Office LI 5644 Tel. no. 3442-4311 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-4311 Prof. HO, Wing Chung何榮宗 Associate Professor Office LI 5662 Tel. no. 3442-8134 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8134 Prof. HUI, Na Na Anna許娜娜 Associate Professor Office LI 5661 Tel. no. 3442-8260 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8260 Dr. IP, Chi Shun Dennis葉智淳 Instructor I Office LI 5602 Tel. no. 3442-2697 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-2697 Prof. JIANG, Mengyin Maggie姜梦茵 Assistant Professor Office LI 5620 Tel. no. 3442-8832 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8832 Prof. KWAN, Chi Kin 關志健 Associate Professor Office LI 5623 Tel. no. 3442-4532 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-4532 Dr. KWOK, Kim 郭儉 Assistant Professor Office LI 5632 Tel. no. 3442-5798 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-5798 Prof. LAI, Chuk Ling Julian黎祝齡 Associate Professor Office LI 5664 Tel. no. 3442-4306 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-4306 Ms. LAM, Ying Hing Fly林英卿 Teaching Consultant Office LI 5621 Tel. no. 3442-8966 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8966 Mr. LAU, Ka Bo Gilbert劉家葆 Teaching Fellow Office LI 5630 Tel. no. 3442-9553 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-9553 Prof. LI, Kin Kit Ben李健傑 Associate Professor Office LI 5665 Tel. no. 3442-8261 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8261 Prof. LIN, Shen Lamson林珅 Assistant Professor Office LI 5624 Tel. no. 3442-8768 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8768 Ms. LIU Lai Yung Annie廖麗容 Teaching Consultant Office LI 5602 Tel. no. 3442-4276 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-4276 Mr. MA, Kun Stephen馬勤 Lecturer Office LI 5616 Tel. no. 3442-8838 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8838 Ms. MA, Yuk Ling Kooni馬玉玲 Teaching Consultant Office LI 5602 Tel. no. 3442-8745 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8745 Dr. NG, Kwok Hung Kennedy吳國雄 Teaching Consultant Office LI 5630 Tel. no. 3442-8993 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8993 Prof. SHUM Hei Yan Michelle沈希恩 Assistant Professor Office LI 5660 Tel. no. 3442-2583 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-2583 Prof. TSANG, Yuk ha Eileen曾玉霞 Associate Professor Office LI 5637 Tel. no. 3442-8965 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8965 Prof. WONG, Mark Lawrence黃怡發 Assistant Professor Office LI 5636 Tel. no. 3442-8746 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8746 Prof. WANG, Xijing王蹊径 Assistant Professor Office LI 5626 Tel. no. 3442-8262 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8262 Prof. WONG, Wing Yee Rebecca王穎怡 Associate Professor Office LI 5627 Tel. no. 3442-7069 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-7069 Prof. YE, Shengquan Sam葉盛泉 Associate Professor Office LI 5638 Tel. no. 3442-8114 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8114 Dr. YEUNG Kit Ling Elaine楊潔翎 Teaching Fellow Office LI 5622 Tel. no. 3442-8961 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8961 Prof. YEUNG, Wai Keung Jerf 楊偉強 Associate Professor Office LI 5639 Tel. no. 3442-9989 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-9989 Dr. YOUNG, Chi Man Terence楊志文 Senior Teaching Fellow Office LI 5634 Tel. no. 3442-9722 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-9722 Prof. YOUNG, Kim Wan Daniel楊劍雲 Associate Professor Office LI 5618 Tel. no. 3442-8954 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8954 Prof. YU, Xiaonan Nancy于肖楠 Associate Professor Office LI 5646 Tel. no. 3442-9436 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-9436 Prof. ZHONG, Yueying Lena鍾月英 Associate Professor Office LI 5668 Tel. no. 3442-8767 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8767 Dr. TAM, Wai Yiu Nelson譚偉耀 Teaching Fellow Office LI 5630 Tel. no. 3442-8116 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8116 Prof. ZHEN, Shanshan甄珊珊 Assistant Professor Office LI 5633 Tel. no. 3442-8994 Email Tel. no. / Email 3442-8994