Departmental Executive Committee

Departmental Executive Committee
Prof. MANNING Matthew Garnet, Head
Prof. WONG Wing Kuen Andus, Associate Head (UG Education and Student Development)
Prof. TAM Hau Lin Cherry, Associate Head (PG Education and Research)
Prof. KWOK LAI Yuk Ching (SW Discipline Leader)
Prof. LI Kin Kit Ben (PSY Discipline Leader)
Prof. WONG Sing Wing Dennis (CRSO Discipline Leader)
Prof. CHEN Hui Fang (Director of UG Education)
Prof. KWAN Chi Kin Ricky (Director of TPG Education)
Prof. HO Wing Chung (Director of Impact, KT & RAE)
Prof. HUI Na Na Anna (Director of Student Development)
Prof. YU Xiaonan Nancy (Director of Research /DRC)
Prof. YE Shengquan Sam (Director of RPg Education)